The Devils' Rain
First of all with the powerhouse acting of, Tom Skerritt, William Shatner, Eddie Albert, John Travolta and Ernest Borgnine Who cares what the movies about. Nonetheless it is about Satan. The movie starts with the credits riding over Hieronymus_Bosch which would only leave you to believe you're in for a treat. Of course too many treats are not always a good thing. Here's the deal. In this corner we have the Preston family, come on down. Lead by william Shatner and Tom Skerrit. They are battling the forces of the Korbus family come on down, lead by Ernest Borgnine who plays an evil servant to Satan. For 300 years The Prestons have had in their possession a book that contains the names of all those who have given their souls to the big daddy Devil. Borgnine wants it and for some reason in all those years he has been unable to swap it from them. One must think that would be one large book, but it doesn't seem to be too heavy to lug around for Shatner. This movie is actually quite boring at times but the failed acting of Eddie Albert and ol' Billy Shatner makes for a good chuckle. There are flashbacks 300 years that show the pilgrims Shat and Borg verbally battling over souls of the Prestons and...blah blah. The best part of the movie is when Borgnine turns in to a horned goat-man. It is pretty sweet. Also the ending when Shat breaks open the Devil bottle freeing the souls and creating the Devils rain which melts all the worshippers in a waxy gooey slimy orgy of writhing bubbles and pus. This is the only time we see John Travolta and he is melting, though he is given headlining status. The melting lasts a long time. In fact I pooed, made a sandwich and bowl of chips, and wrote this review while the agony unfolded. Spoiler alert...The Devil survives in an insignificant character. A woman who is Tom Skerrits' squeeze. This movie could have been a half hour tops. It was worth it though to see Borg as a goat and any thing with Billy Shatness is worth price of admission.
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